A new and exciting adventure! As 2021 draws to a close, Maxymum ID received a very intriguing brief. We were asked to assist the government program and the Australia Indonesia Health Security Partnership (AIHSP) in implementing a special communication strategy for disabled and elderly communities. The ultimate goal of this program is to help the disabled and elderly access Covid-19 vaccinations in four priority provinces through their various communities.
This project opened our eyes to a different side of life that we had never seen before. The creative process, which required us to interact with disabled and elderly friends, provided us with a wealth of humanistic experiences. We discovered empathy triggers that we were able to activate in order to produce creative works that accommodate the needs of these friends.
The entire series of VAHSI activities was like an oasis for us, as it reinforced our belief that graphic design and other creative works can play an important role in humanity. Not only do they add aesthetic value, but they are also functional and capable of solving human problems. A human-centered design.
KlienAIHSPLayananMedia developmentTahun2021